I work as an expert witness in primary care medicine, emergency medicine, and outdoor recreation. I have experience with reports, trial testimony and depositions.

I’m trained in family medicine, worked in urgent care and rural emergency medicine for 15 years, and now work in travel and occupational medicine. I was medical director of a busy hospitall-based urgent care for many years where I supervised two dozen mid-level providers and doctors. I review cases which involve primary care, family medicine, rural emergency departments, pre-hospital care, urgent care, and the role of mid-level providers.

I am a nationally known expert on deep snow and tree well immersion asphyxiation (sometimes referred to as non-avalanche-related snow immersion death) as well as wilderness and travel medicine. Some of the other cases I’ve reviewed or opined on include:

  • Hypothermia
  • Heat stroke
  • Frostbite
  • Snowboard head injuries
  • Avalanches
  • Canyoneering accidents
  • Dehydration
  • Cruise ship medical care
  • Prehospital care in rural and remote environments